Okay, here's the simple version of the past 3 days' events.

my mom's birthday, we went to church, then went to a buffet place (souplantation or some chinese place, i forget) and it was good

emily and i fought more, click here to read our convo. (goes from bottom to top, beginning to the basic end). dentist appointment at 4, left at 3:15, had 2 cavities drilled out (it hurts, i swear i'm giving up eating candy a lot) and then fillings put in, went home, watched a jimmy neutron and fairly oddparents marathon and then jimmy timmy 2. not a blast, but it was a good thing to clear my mind of the events of life.

TUESDAY (today) :
okay. i woke up late today, at like 6:45, then woke up and found that my clothes werent dry so i had to put my clothes in the dryer for like 20 min. during the 20 min i ate breakfast and talked to my mom about random things.. my parents (both mom and dad) stayed home on sick leave. i went to school at about 7:30, got there about a min after 7:30 so 7:31 and i ran to rm 205, basic ed. found out the books i needed, saw mckenzie and sam, then yeah.. sam asked me if i broke up with matt, i didnt… tells me what matt said to her and kenz, and.. well.. yeah.. 4th period, theres a lab, matt and i werent partners. i worked alone, sniffling.. lunch comes, im terrified of matt. found out he broke up with me, burst into tears… and then.. i give the heart he carved for me to him, and then.. i sit under my tree and cry. yes cry.

look, people, i did not cheat on him. he did not cheat on me (im pretty sure) and theres nothing else to it. he supposedly broke up with my because i was mean to his friends (from what i know) and.. well.. the rest is matt's and my business.

i hate life. basically.
