I haven't written in FOREVER! I can't believe it. Well, it's about time. I'll start writing again.

I doubt I'll write a lot of details though.

Well today, my darling friend Jessie came over! Her bus driver ditched or got in an accident so she came home with me! I rode down an awesome hill on my bike!! And then I got to .. well, almost fall off a curb!! It was awesome =)

I had a lot of fun with Jessie at home. I don't feel like explaining it, so check out Jessie's blog!

OMG! Okay.. well, only Jessie will get this.. but, whatever.

"YES! It bothers me. YES! I love him! NO! I'm not insane you fucking retard!!!"

Wanna understand it? IM me =)

I love my lovers. =P

So much has happened in the past few days. I think I'll be posting a series of posts about the events of a few days ago.

I'm not really sure about what happened on Friday; this is what I vaguely remember.

So.. Friday.. I did Renaissance project research in the LRC for Tracy's class and planned with Savannah [Webster] for lunch. Sadly, all that would go to waste because we messed up in 4th period science…We had to go in for lunch and fix it… man.. I hate Mrs. Monroe more. You know what, I think I'll call her EVIL BUTTHEAD instead of Mrs. Monroe. Behind her back, not to her, smartass.

That's all I can think of, I'll post more tomorrow night.


Seriously… is everybody going crazy?

Today, I heard the weirdest things. And I SAW the weirdest things. In PE, we were doing an obstacle course and practicing long-jumping, lol. The guys in front of me.. they were humping the air! It was so "Oh Emm Eff Gee!" LOL! That was probably the most action they got though. I also heard about these 8th graders making out in a bathroom, with their clothes off… they locked the door of the bathroom… and.. ugh, that's gross! I won't go into details!

OMG! Today, in completely and utterly boring science, Mrs. Monroe made us work on a booklet thingy about flowers and plants and seeds and things like that for little 3-year-olds. So I was working with Kendra, Savannah [Webster], Matt, David, Natasha, and Abdulah. I think. So we were making a page of the book and we colored with marker and it bled through the page so we had to stay in her room for like 10 minutes during lunch! LOL.. I know, it's a bad complaint, but it didn't take long. It totally ruined my lunch plans with Savannah! But.. I guess it was okay. I just hate Mrs. Monroe even more!

I guess that's all that happened today.

Bye everyone.

Oh, and I think that Matt is adorable. It's not like he's gunna read this, so what do I care?

Yo, what up, homie G?

Lol. Look what happens when attempt to use gang slang.

So I went to the orthodontist today. I got new colors for my braces (light pink & light blue), a bite plate (which moves my jaw, etc.), and a headbrace! I added some new pictures, so check them out!

I teased Matt again. It was so much fun!

Sorry, short post. I'm gunna go watch some TV!

You know that saying? "Ignorance is bliss."? It's actually completely & absolutely true. Like, say, you're really rich! But you don't know that some people don't have the kind of money you do. The people who live in poverty.. rich people are ignorant to what povertized deal with! It's amazing, because you don't know what is happening, and you don't feel guilty, or you don't feel the responsibility to help! People who are ignorant live life much easier than people who pay attention to the terror of everyday life.

Today was a funny day. I'd like to keep my friend's name out of this, so let's just call her "G" for "girl". LOL.. stupid, I know. But you never really know who's reading this!

So "G" likes Matt Pennington. You know, my ex-boyfriend? Yeah, well, if you don't know that, Matt broke up with me. I don't know why, so don't ask! Anyways…

"G" likes Matt. Savannah Webster and I were teasing her about it. It was super mean, but.. since Matt is my ex, I naturally became jealous and made mean comments. I wrote "'G' Loves Matt" everywhere! Of course, she took the paper and killed it, then sat on it! It was so funny. So filling.. but mean. G's awesome; she forgave me. I told Sam & Kenz about it and .. well I don't really know how they feel about G liking Matt. I think this is good for me, because I'll be able to get over Matt a bit faster.

So during lunch, I was talking to my friend Ashley. Matt was nearby and he's telling David, "Don't tell anybody! Or, at least, don't tell anybody I said that!" Something like that, at least. And I said, "What? OOOOO Tell me! I'll be your bestest, bestest, bestest friend!" And he said, "You've already tried that; it doesn't work." So I was thinking "PATOOEY!" LOL. Then I said, "Well… I know something you don't know.. or at least, don't know yet!" And he wanted to find out so bad! It was awesome. I was thinking about making him hug me, then I'll tell him, but that would violate G's … trust. Whatever. I don't know what word to use for that. But I figured that that would be so selfish, so… I didn't. Oh, the secret I was keeping from him was that G likes him. So.. yeah. Then Sam, Kenz, and I went to the girl's bathroom.. and when I came out, Matt was there, waiting! It was so hilarious! So.. well, I didn't tell him. I want to so bad, so I'll be accepted by him again. But that's really selfish, and I wanna get over him. Even though its hard to.

Yup, that's my day.

I don't have much time to post the details, but I had a good day. Here and there, gossip, bad stuff, etc… but it was good!

I read a super-inspiring story in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II and I thought I'd share it with you guys!

Click here to read it!

Yeah.. evil people.. me went home sicky today. Me can only be on PC for a few minutes.

Bye, for now.


So.. ohhh yesterday was lots of fun!! Well.. okay, read:

Okay, so I woke up at like 9. Ohh how much I love sleep! Then I went downstairs and my mom's like "OMG someone TPed our house!". Because, well, someone did. Anyways, my mom said I had to pick it up later with my bro, because one of our friends did it. I'm pretty sure that one of my bro's friends did it. But I might be wrong…

Anyways, I went on the computer, chatted for a while. My mom took me to the Escondido Girl Scouts shop, so I had to take a shower and such.. ehh.. so I got it, and my mom was totally frantic over my vest. Should it be large or medium… lol. I have to wear it throughout High School (it's the same vest through Cadettes and Seniors). And that's where Brittani Cortopassi's mom's car got broken into about a year ago! The robbers took her credit cards because she left her purse in there.

Okay, back to this year. So I didn't haveto clean up the TP, my bro did, and he didn't seem to mind. And then my mom and I went to Costco and bought stuff and tried samples of food and such for almost 2 hours. It was actually lots of fun. At 4, we left for my second cousin's grandpa's 60th birthday party. There was an awesome Japanese/Chinese lion dance, and a really nice band. It was my uncle's band, actually, but they were great!

Okay, so basically, it was very cool!

Yeah.. that's about it.


Okay, sorry. Here's yesterday's (Friday's) post that I didn't post. I'll post today's post later today. Is that confusing?

Okay; Friday!

Well, it was good. Talked to Matt a bit, had some "fun" with Ashley. Nothing too serious. All in all, a good day. It coulda been better, but.. ehh.. lol.

What a great post, right?
